Read our modeling audition tips to help you nail your next audition!
Modeling Audition Tips 1: Research the Client
Read the audition call carefully. Research the client so you know what you are auditioning for. Is it for swimsuit modeling? Then bring your own bikini with you. Moisturize, shave, and make sure your skin and body look flawless. Look for models they used in the past. This will give you an idea of the “look” they like.
Modeling Audition Tips 2: Bring Your Modeling Portfolio
Choose 10-15 professional photos. Although you want your portfolio to be diverse, showcase additional photos relating to what you’re auditioning for.
Modeling Audition Tips 3: Look Simple and Natural
Unless the audition call has different instructions, wear simple form-fitting clothes and natural make-up. Modeling agencies want to see the shape of your body and your real face. Jewelry should be kept to a minimum.
Female models should wear skinny jeans and a fitted tank top or a little black dress. For male models – just jeans and fitted t-shirt. Bring an extra outfit just in case they want you to change. DO NOT wear any flashy or loose clothing and try to cover any body tattoos.
Modeling Audition Tips 4: Arrive on Time
Be punctual! Or arrive early and give yourself extra time so that you’re not in a hurry or stressed when you get to the audition. Some auditions may not allow you in once the audition has started so DO NOT be late.
Modeling Audition Tips 5: Follow Directions
Listen carefully. They may ask you to do the catwalk, turn around, try on certain clothes and shoes, pose for the camera. Be sure to follow directions.
Modeling Audition Tips 6: Be Confident and Make an Impression
Be confident! Look at the client directly. Remember the audition go really fast. You want the client to remember your audition.