

What Type of Acting Classes Should You Take

2021-06-08T18:46:21+00:00Talent Schools|

Our guide to different types of classes to help you hone your craft whether you just started acting or you are a more experience actor.

General Acting Classes

If you just started acting, general acting classes introduces you to different sides of the industry. Do you want to pursue theater or film? These classes help develop […]

How to Choose a Monologue for an Audition


Every actor should have a well-rehearsed monologue and should be ready to perform it when meeting with an acting agency or a casting director. Here are  acting tips for choosing a monologue for an audition.

Choosing a Monologue: Step 1

Find out what type of production you are auditioning for. Is it a play or a movie? […]

How to Find Auditions for Modeling


Use our step by step guide to finding auditions for modeling and start auditioning.

Finding Modeling Auditions: Step 1

Create an Online Modeling Portfolio

Create a digital modeling portfolio. It should include 10—15 photos, your  modeling type, and all your experience. Also include your personal statistics – height, weight, hair color and eye color. Modeling scouts and agencies […]

How to Start Acting with No Experience


Our acting guide will help you learn how to Start Acting without any experience.

Start Acting: Step 1

Participate in School Plays

You can start acting in your local school plays, church, and your local theater. Imitate your favorite actors and practice in front of the mirror. This will help you get additional experience and build up confidence. […]

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