Every actor should have a well-rehearsed monologue and should be ready to perform it when meeting with an acting agency or a casting director. Here are  acting tips for choosing a monologue for an audition.

Choosing a Monologue: Step 1

Find out what type of production you are auditioning for. Is it a play or a movie? Is it a drama or a comedy? You need to choose a monologue that will be similar to what you are auditioning for. Pick a monologue that fits your look, age, and the character you are auditioning for. Try to find a character you can relate to.

Choosing a Monologue: Step 2

Read as many monologues as you find that fits your character. Pick the best ones, and read the entire script. Knowing the background of the whole story will help you get into character better. Have monologues that are interesting and engages an audience, monologues that make them feel they are also part of the story. This will grab their attention.

Choosing a Monologue: Step 3

Memorize your monologue. If there is a word you don’t understand, look it up. And make sure you pronounce the words correctly. Break it down into parts like beginning, middle, and end.  Read and reread your lines until you know them by heart. Record yourself and play it back so you know exactly how you sound. This will also help you memorize the lines.

Imagine yourself in front of an audience when rehearsing. Then, pick a friend or family to be your pretend audience.

Other Things You Need to Know

How to Prepare for an Acting Audition

Types of Acting Auditions

What Are Casting Directors